Saturday, February 15, 2025
Polls open 2 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, June 10, 2025
Polls open 6 a.m. – 8 p.m.

** Early Voting May 30 – June 1 – Call for Voting Hours **

2025 General/School Board Election
Tuesday, November 4, 2025
Polls open 6 a.m. – 8 p.m.

** Early Voting October 25 – November 2 – Call for Voting Hours

Primary Ballot Court Ordered Agreement

Pursuant to the federal “Help America Vote Act of 2002″ (HAVA), if you registered to vote by mail in your county after January 1, 2003, and never voted in a federal election in the county, you were required to provide your county commissioner of registration with identification.

Whenever a person delivers a ballot to the county board, that person shall provide proof of the person’s identity in the form of a New Jersey driver’s license, or another form of identification issued or recognized as official by the federal government, the State, or any of its subdivisions, providing the identification carries the full address and signature of the person. The person shall sign a record maintained by the county of all mail-in ballots personally delivered to it.

To receive your ballot by mail, the application must be received by the County Clerk 7 days prior to the election.

A voter may also apply in person to the County Clerk until 3:00 p.m., the day before the election.

The County Clerk cannot accept faxed or emailed copies of a Application for Vote by Mail Ballot, unless you are a Military or Overseas Voter, since an original signature is required.

If you would like to Vote by Mail, click on the application form below. Once this form is loaded, print the application and follow these instructions:

If you would like to receive your ballot for the 2020 primary or general election, please fill out the Cumberland Vote by Mail in 2020 English or Spanish. –

Federal Postcard for Application for Active Duty Military or and Overseas Voter.


Vote by Mail

Vote by Mail


  1. You must be a registered voter in order to apply for a Vote by Mail Ballot.
  2. Once you apply for a Vote by Mail Ballot, you will not be permitted to vote by machine at your polling place in the same election.
  3. You will receive instructions with your ballot.
  4. Your Mail-In Ballot must be POSTMARKED the date of the election and received by the County Board of Election within 48 hours of Election Day.
  5. Do not submit more than one application for the same election.
  6. You must apply for a Mail-In Ballot for each election, unless you designate otherwise under “Voter Options.”

For more information, call (856) 453-4680.

Vote By Mail Frequently Asked Questions

What is Vote by Mail?
Vote by Mail has replaced Absentee Voting in the State of New Jersey. It allows a voter to vote without going to the polls on Election Day.

How is Vote by Mail different from Absentee Voting?
Vote by Mail still allows a voter to vote in any election without going to the polls. Now the voter also has the option of automatically receiving ballots for future elections.

Who can Vote by Mail?
Any registered voter can Vote By Mail. No reason is necessary to apply.

How do I apply for Vote by Mail?
You can apply by completing an application and sending it to the County Clerk. If you do not return your completed application, we will not be able to send you a Vote by Mail ballot.

Where can I get an application for Vote by Mail?
You can get an application at:

  • The County Clerk’s Office
  • Your Municipal Clerk’s Office
  • You can download and application by clicking the following links:

When do I have to apply to Vote by Mail?
Your application must be received by the Clerk’ Office seven (7) days prior to the election. You can also apply in person to the County Clerk’s Office up until 3:00 pm the day before the election.

Can someone help me complete the application and ballot materials?
Yes, you can have someone help you. This person must complete the assistor section. However, you the voter must sign the application.

Can I fax or e-mail my application?

Only active duty military and voters residing overseas may apply by fax or e-mail. All other voters must apply in writing, with original signature.

If it is within seven days before the election, and I am not able to apply in person to the County Clerk, can someone else get my ballot?
Yes, you would need to complete the application, including the Authorized Messenger section. Your messenger would then apply to the County Clerk, obtain your ballot, and deliver it to you. Your messenger must be a family member or a registered voter in this county and cannot be a candidate on the ballot.

I am disabled, and I was on a list to receive an application every year, has this changed?
No, you still have that option. It is Option “A” in Section 10 of the application. This option is now also available to any registered voter.

If I apply and receive a Vote by Mail ballot, can I vote at the polls instead?
If you did not receive or return your ballot, you may vote by provisional ballot at the polls.

If I Vote by Mail, will my vote be counted?
Yes, all votes are counted and included in the final official results.

Can I apply for someone else?
No, only the voter can apply. The application must have an original signature, as it appears in the poll books. State law does not allow Power of Attorney.

What if my signature has changed?
You can update your signature by contacting the Board of Elections Office at (856) 453-5801.